Officially enter the Chinese
mainland market,the establishment
of China mainland businessdevelopment base-GuangzhouFree Trade Zone MESUCA
Development Co., LTD

In early 1998, it acquired theproduction and management rightsof American sports brand SUPER-K
in Asia. The company has
established its own brand lineupwith MESUCA, JOEREX and SUPER-K as the main brands, laying afoundation for development.

In 2003, the industrial productionbase-ZHAOQING KAWAGOESPORTS INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTDwas formally established, thecompany began to enter the
research and development, design,production in one stage.

In 2007, it signed a contract with
Disney - one of the largestentertainment companies in theworld, Mesuca becoming the firstand only licensee of DlSNEY in theworld that can produce and sellDisney's full range of sports goodsin mainland China, Hong Kong.Macao, Taiwan, India, Japan, Koreaand Middle East.

In 2009, Mesuca cooperated withSanrio to acquire the Hello Kitty IPlicense and developed a series ofproducts for children and femaleconsumers, including roller skatingfitness, outdoor, sports, bags andwater products.

In 2014, Mesuca cooperated withFerrari, the world's top racing andsports car manufacturer, to obtainglobal licensing.

In 2018, Megos Group Was Born.

In 2021, Mesuca was authorized byLamborghini, the world's top sportscar manufacturer. In the same year,it signed strategic cooperation withChinese esports champion EDG
esports Club, and entered the fieldof esports with strong derivatives.

In 2022,the camping brand wasestablished to explore the city andenter the camping field, and thespeed became a popular fashioncamping brand in the Little Red